Proposta de dissertação do MEI
Título: Optimizaton of model transformations
Proponente(s): Vasco Amaral
Claudio Gomes
Créditos: 42 ECTS
Área científica: Software Engineering
Início preferencial: Qualquer semestre
Já estão em curso trabalhos preliminares executados pelo alunos:
Claudio Gomes
Breve descrição: Main Purpose: Figure out ways to identify and solve conflicts between optimizations in model transformation languages.

Main arguments:
Current optimizations are done locally.
Some optimizations, like overlapped pattern matching and search plan, are conflicting. This means that allowing one to be performed may forbid the other to be performed.
A way to efficiently detect and solve these conflicts is necessary.

Main tasks:
Find case study for this. We already have the class2relational transformation but that might be too complex to start with. So a dummy transformation between two dummy models should be used as a starting point. Furthermore, the student should be able to show convincingly that there is a conflict between at real two rules of the transformation.
Develop techniques to detect and solve the conflict.
Apply those to the dummy case study and show the benefit.
Develop the real case study of the class2relational and show the benefit as well.
Evaluate performance