Proposta de dissertação do MEI
Título: A Middleware Support to enable Dynamic Micro-Services in the Edge
Proponente(s): João Leitão ( & Maria Cecilia Gomes
Créditos: 42 ECTS
Área científica: Computer Systems and Networks
Início preferencial: 1º Semestre
Já estão em curso trabalhos preliminares executados pelo alunos:
Khrystyna Fedyuk (45169)
Breve descrição: Edge computing as emerged as a viable alternative to overcome limitations of cloud computing. In its essence edge computing aims at leveraging on existing computational and storage resources that lie beyond the datacenter and closer to end users, to provide more reliable, available, and fast services.

In this thesis we plan on devise a middleware solution that enable user-centric applications, such as web applications, to tap into resources that already exist in the edge. This will be done by considering three complementary aspects: logic management, data management, and monitoring management.
Observações: The goals of the thesis are:
- The design of the architecture and stack of a middleware for the edge.
- Implementation of a prototype of the middleware solutions.
- Implementation of a simple use case application.
- Experimental evaluation.