Proposta de dissertação do MEI
Título: Storify: Graph-based social media story mining
Proponente(s): João Magalhães
Créditos: 42 ECTS
Área científica: Graphic Systems and Multimedia
Início preferencial: 1º Semestre
Já estão em curso trabalhos preliminares executados pelo alunos:
Breve descrição: When an event occurs in real-life, there may be little information available at first. However, as pictures and textual descriptions about the event are published in social-media, they form an evolving story, which is of critical value for the affected or interested persons. This evolving story corresponds to a semantic topic that can be tracked over time with both textual and visual information from multiple social-media sources.

The goal of this thesis is to illustrate a news story with social-media content. Starting from a news story topic and a stream of social-media video and images, the goal is to link a story-segment to image and video material, while also preserving a good flow of the whole visual story.
Observações: - Pré-requisitos: Web Search + Aprendizagem Automática

- Aconselhado a alunos com média igual ou superior a 15.

- Detalhes completos estão disponíveis aqui: