Proposta de dissertação do MEI
Título: Data Privacy and Private Computations with Oblivious Storage-Clouds
Proponente(s): Henrique João Lopes Domingos
Créditos: 42 ECTS
Área científica: Computer Systems and Networks
Início preferencial: 1º Semestre
Já estão em curso trabalhos preliminares executados pelo alunos:
Bernardo Ferreira (PhD) e João Rodrugues (PhD)
Breve descrição: Online applications are vulnerable to theft of sensitive information because adversaries can exploit software bugs to gain access to private data, and because curious or malicious administrators may capture and leak data. In this thesis, a middleware system solution will be designed, implemented and evaluated, providing practical and provable confidentiality and data-privacy in the face of these attacks for applications backed by distributed SQL databases supported as DBaaS in a cloud of clouds. The devised works will execute SQL queries over encrypted data, using a combination of efficient SQL-aware encryption schemes with homomorphic properties in a distributed setting of Distributed SQL and NoSQL Databases in a Cloud of Multiple Clouds. The system will use PBE encryption chains avoiding that a database administrator in a cloud never gets access to decrypted data, and even if all servers are compromised, an adversary cannot decrypt the data of any user who is not logged in.