Proposta de dissertação do MEI
Título: Efficient and Reliable Data Aggregation in the Edge
Proponente(s): João Leitão (
Créditos: 42 ECTS
Área científica: Computer Systems and Networks
Início preferencial: 1º Semestre
Já estão em curso trabalhos preliminares executados pelo alunos:
Pedro Ákos Costa (n. 43130)
Breve descrição: Edge computing as emerged as a complementary approach to cloud computing. In edge computing a, potentially large, set of computational nodes (sensors, mobile devices, computers, etc) cooperate among them to perform computations across a potentially large dataset which itself is generated in the edge of the networks (i.e, by the devices themselves).

In this thesis we plan to explore efficient and reliable mechanisms to perform a particular type of computations in the edge: aggregation based computations, which relevant examples includes computing maximum, minimum, average, and count computations over large and continuously evolving datasets. Since the computations is performed in the edge of the system, devices have to find efficient mechanisms to coordinate among themselves using limited information about the system and heterogeneous communication mediums. Special attention has to be provided to the fact that nodes themselves might be resource restricted and heterogenous.
Observações: Keywords: Mobile and cloud computing, P2P, gossip protocols, overlay networks.

Este trabalho enquadra-se nos objectivos do novo projecto europeu H2020 LightKone que se iniciou em Janeiro de 2017. Este tema de dissertação já se encontra atribuído.