Proposta de dissertação do MEI
Título: 2018 - Integration of Visual Languages with SCS tools (OutSystems)
Proponente(s): João Costa Seco
Jácume Cunha
R&D OutSystems Braga
Créditos: 42 ECTS
Área científica: Software Construction and Analysis
Início preferencial: 1º Semestre
Já estão em curso trabalhos preliminares executados pelo alunos:
António Ferreira
Breve descrição: In order to organize all project information, Source Control Systems are widely used in software engineering. Being part of configuration management processes (traceability is fundamental), SCS help development teams to have a real view about what was changed, the reason for that change and who performed it.

Although recognized Source Control Systems advantages, they’re mainly text based tools, prepared to deal in a finer granularity with text elements. This can be a challenge for Visual Languages, as SCS tend to to approach visual assets/artifacts as black boxed atomic parts, consequently losing a lot of the SCS functionalities, such as Change Logs, Blames, Patches, among others.

The purpose of this research work is to explore existent SCS and understand how they work and their extensibility capabilities. The configuration and integration of external SCS to OutSystems platform should be part of the research allowing the usage of SCS capacities by the OutSystems IDE.