Proposta de dissertação do MEI
Título: Image Processing using Earth Observation Data
Proponente(s): João Moura Pires e Carlos Damásio
Créditos: 42 ECTS
Área científica: Information Systems Technology
Início preferencial: Qualquer semestre
Já estão em curso trabalhos preliminares executados pelo alunos:
Daniela Henriques
Breve descrição: This project aims to explore image processing techniques using Earth Observation data gathered about planet Earth’s physical, chemical and biological systems via remote sensing, aiming to monitor and assess the status of our natural environment and the built environment focused on several use cases. These use cases can cover applications such as forecasting weather, tracking biodiversity and wildlife trends, measuring land-use change (such as deforestation), monitoring and responding to natural disasters, including fires, floods, earthquakes and tsunamis, managing natural resources, such as energy, freshwater and agriculture, addressing emerging diseases and other health risks, predicting, adapting to and mitigating climate change.
Observações: This project will be developed within ALTRAN Portugal and will include a grant. For mor details about the grant contact