Proposta de dissertação do MEI
Título: Data Processing Architectures for Temporal Data
Proponente(s): Joao Moura Pires e José Alferes
Créditos: 42 ECTS
Área científica: Information Systems Technology
Início preferencial: Qualquer semestre
Já estão em curso trabalhos preliminares executados pelo alunos:
André Pereira
Breve descrição: The purpose of this work is to investigate under what conditions we can benefit from the use of big data technologies and data driven architectures for large amounts of data in a real-time computing ecosystem. This work to be done must be based on the findings collected from testing the processing of large data sets, and the technologies for processing it, typical based in distributed computing environment based on Hadoop.
The technology selected for data transformation will be presented as related work and should be used to validate the data architecture to be proposed.
Observações: This project will be developed within ALTRAN Portugal and will include a grant. For mor details about the grant contact